Oakville Dads Member: Waj Waji
CALL US : 1-289-952-3719
Get Paint believes that painting is all about preparation, patience, cleanup, quality products and the right application by experienced painters.
Interior Painting
- Ceiling, Walls, Fireplaces
- Pop Corn/Stucco removal
- Wall Paper Installation
- Wall Paper Removal
- Stairs & furniture Staining
- Custom Paint work (Paneling, wainscoting, Archways)
- Kitchen Cabinet Spray Paintin
- Epoxy (Garage Floor, Porches, Warehouse)
Exterior Painting
- Brick Staining
- Deck & Fence
- Vinyl Siding
- Aluminum Siding
- Soffits, Eavesdrop
- Stucco
- Garage & Front Doors
- Windows (Vinyl / Wooden / Metal)
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