The Code


The Code

We are high quality men striving to become better men and fathers. Our job is to help each other and develop our community for our families and children.  The recent post about tire service at the apex of the winter tire rush has caused a mixed batch of reactions.

Being an ODG means you are a gentleman.
Does that mean everything works great and in your favour? Of course not. 

What it means is that when shit goes sideways, you listen and understand with empathy before reacting. Getting emotional, impulsive and over-reacting benefits nobody. 
In these crazy times we need to understand that everyone is stressed and everyone is tired of this doom and gloom, negative news culture we seem to be embroiled in. It is impacting everyone.  We are in a pandemic with severe economic implications and people are worried and scared.
An Oakville dad as a customer with an Oakville dad business (but not exclusively!)
  • Always be polite
  • Always try to take the higher road
  • Always have empathy – you don’t know what someone else is going through
  • Forgive and forget
  • If you like the service/product – tell the ODG member, if not, talk to them about it and help them improve it
  • Lead by example
  • Be accountable
  • Choose your words carefully
  • Seek to understand first and then react
  • If you have an issue with an Oakville dad or his business – lets approach them or message them professionally, how you would want to be approached – on FB messenger, or call them personally. We need to remember that they have employees that are often doing all the work – not necessarily they themselves.
  • Be professional
  • Be the man that would want your son, nephew, or brother to be.
  • Don’t be a ‘Karen’ or a ‘Chad’.
An Oakville dad as a service provider with an Oakville dad customer (but not exclusively!)
  • Give preferential treatment to ODG
  • Provide a member discount if you’re able (there is no requirement to)
  • Remember that the “ODG client” represents potentially 1500 men in our region
  • The McDonalds philosophy is relevant – treat each customer like a lifelong customer that will bring business to you for decades
  • Always be polite
  • Always try to take the higher road
  • Always have empathy – you don’t know what someone else is going through
  • Remember the little things
  • Forgive and forget – learn from experience
  • Lead by example
  • Be accountable
  • Choose your words carefully
  • Remember the Keg customer service philosophy – they always try to make every meal/night/event special and a celebration -if something isn’t right – ambiance, seating arrangement, food, drinks – they fix it.  They comp food and drinks all the time – to make sure you walk away feeling like – maybe it wasn’ the best salad, steak, dessert ever – but they gave me a replacement for free, they gave me a new steak etc.  You may not have the best ever meal there, but you do get the best effort and experience.
ODG Admins
  • Have photo of yourself
  • Have your name or nickname
  • Profile must be public
  • No spam/promos unless on approved thread
  • No hate speech, bullying, racism, etc.
  • No politics
  • Try to help and attend our events where possible


$100,000 by 2024

Giving Back to the Environment


Oakville, Ontario, Canada
